Frequently Asked Questions

You got questions, we have them answered here. Still if you require more information, we are just an email away.



StoxTalk offers predefined groups focused on various trading instruments and themes. These groups are set by the platform for organized discussions and cannot be created or modified by users.


No, users cannot create their own groups. We have curated specific predefined groups to maintain the focus and quality of discussions.


Navigate to the specific group where you'd like to post. Use the 'Create Post' option to upload images or write text, and then publish it for the community to see.


Yes, users can express their opinion on a post by upvoting or downvoting it, helping to highlight valuable content and feedback.


Simply visit a user's profile and select 'Follow' to stay updated with their posts. To add them as a friend, click on 'Add Friend'. They will be added to your friend list once they accept your request.


Visit your profile to view, add, or remove friends. You can also accept or delete incoming friend requests from there.


Yes, you can send direct messages to users you have added as friends. Navigate to their profile or your friend list and select 'Message'.


StoxTalk offers predefined groups focused on various trading instruments and themes. These groups are set by the platform for organized discussions and cannot be created or modified by users.


Each post has a 'Report' option. If you find content that violates our community guidelines or seems like spam, use this feature to alert our moderators.


Yes, all posts are live by default upon creation. However, our moderation team constantly reviews the content, and any post violating our guidelines can be removed.


Absolutely! Engage with the community by commenting on posts. Note: Comments can only be in text format.